Longhair Cats

Longhair Cats

Longhair cats have longer coats of fur and look fluffier than shorthair cats. Even though they all have long fur they can look and act very different. Here are some of my favorite longhair cats.



Balinese cats are smart, friendly, and fun! They like to talk a lot, too. If you are feeling sad a Balinese cat might try to cheer you up because they can tell how you are feeling.

Balinese cats remind me a little of puppies because they like to play fetch. They also like to climb and like to be petted.



Birman cats like to be around people and other pets, so they are probably happiest in homes with lots of other animals. Even though most cats like to climb and be high up, Birman cats like to be on the ground. When they get older they usually look like they are wearing a cute mask, but when they are born they are all white!

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are smart, playful, and full of energy. Like Birman cats, Maine Coons like families with kids and other pets. They are also clever like raccoons and have been known to learn how to open doors and do other really neat stuff. By the way, my Aunt Erin has a Maine Coon!



Munchkins have short legs like the dog breed dachshunds, or hotdogs. Don’t be fooled by their short legs, though, because they love to run and jump and are very good at it! They usually like people and like to be picked up. They are very smart, sweet, and friendly, too!

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is very strong and bigger than most other cats. They can live in very cold places and their long fur helps to keep them warm. Norwegian Forest cats get along good with people, they are friendly, and usually meow very softly.

Persian Kitten

Persian Kitten

Persian kittens are adorable and they love attention. They have cute little flat faces, a tiny nose, small ears, and big adorable eyes! They are very lovable and usually get along great with kids and other pets.



These adorable cats were named ragdolls because they go limp like a ragdoll when you hold them and pet them. They just love it so much! Ragdolls are also playful, and may even play fetch like a dog. They are very friendly and even like to cuddle next to you when you sleep.

Turkish Van

Turkish Van

The Turkish Van is actually a semi-long haired cat. They are mostly white with color usually only on their head and tail. I think their tails look almost like a fox tail.

Turkish Vans are very friendly and like to play. They also like water and have been called “swimming cats”.